Saturday, December 25, 2010

#5 Heaven is Your Favorite Childhood Game

#5 Heaven is Your Favorite Childhood Game

Grow young when you get old
Build a tree house as big as a storm
Wash it in colors that make you glow
Fill it with bubbles that sing like whales
Sleep on a sleeping bag on the floor
Hang a swing from the tallest branch
Catch lightening bugs for your torches
Hold concerts for your old friends
Tell them you know a place where the old grow young
Where the birds play drums and the bugs make love
Where the air tastes like snow and the sun always spies
A place where a tree holds your heart because you gave it to him to hold
I’ll meet you at the tree house and we will run naked along his branches
My dear, grow young when you get old
Never change a thing about you

1 comment:

  1. ashleyeffingplatz!!!! each one gets tighter and tighter! i am so happy reading your work. the imagery is moving me. i love love love

    Build a tree house as big as a storm

    Fill it with bubbles that sing like whales

    Where the birds play drums and the bugs make love

    A place where a tree holds your heart because you gave it to him to hold

    you're really singing now!
