Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Memorial Day.
What was/is that holiday?
I think of Memorial Day - I think of BBQ, Baseball games, the beaches being packed, Summer, and family.

But... that has nothing to do with it.

Usually i'd post this article and then expound on it but-
this speaks for itself.

"For most Americans, Memorial Day simply marks the beginning of summer, said Andrew Bacevich. That's what it meant to me too, until 3yrs ago when my son was killed fighting in Iraq. Now, when I visit his gravesite, I'm haunted by uncomfortable questions about Why he and so many other brave Americans have died in the service of the country. We like to tell ourselves that "the fallen gave their lives so we might enjoy freedom," and certainly that was true of those killed in the battle of Gettysburg or on Omaha Beach. But in recent decades, from Vietnam to Bosnia to Iraq to Afghanistan, the connection between American military intervention and American freedom has become more tenuous. In playing world police man, the US repeatedly has become engaged in Never-Ending wars that we cannot win and cannot afford. It's easy to blame the politicians for sending young men and women to die in another nations civil war, fighting for goals no one can define. But as citizens of a democracy, we all bear some responsibility. Perhaps that's worth thinking about as we light up our barbecues and head to the beach."
- Los Angeles Times.

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