Step on a crack you’ll break your mothers back
What if you belly flop onto the sidewalk in an aerobatic drunken stooper?
What happens then?
All the child bearing women on my family tree have been back broken and heart broken
All of their children have accidentally, purposely, drunkenly, and casually stepped on cracks.
This will not happen to me.
Oh I will have children.
I’m just going to be prepared
Since yesterday morning I’ve began drinking pixie dust out of helium balloons while sitting backwards on the wings of condors so the force of the air may familiarize itself with my spine. I stopped only briefly to rest on satellites and inhale antigravity space matter.
I carried with me an eye dropper and a vile.
Drip by drip it will be filled with drops of everything I find.
Every sunrise I will rise from my bed and inject heavens weightless liquid gas into my womb
When the time is right
I will conceive
And he will be perfection
He will write and create and dream like no one ever has
He will change the world
He will float
I will stand up straight and prideful
I will beam with love and zeal
His feet will never graze the earth
he will never step on a crack
and he will never break my heart

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