Helpful Hint #1 by Ashley Platz:
Your tribal tattoo isn't good. But what makes it super lame... is you haven't gone back and had it finished yet. If you're going to begin something that stupid... commit to it.

Helpful Hint #2:
If you are searching for a more dramatic way to state your point, just say it's dramatic. Don't misuse words purposely - for dramatic affect. Ie: You mean it's a tragedy. Not a travesty. A tragedy is a pretty fuckin' dramatic thing... and a travesty is "a literary or artistic burlesque of a serious work or subject, characterized by grotesque or ludicrous incongruity of style, treatment, or subject matter." Is that what you meant?

Helpful Hint #3:
I know it seems fun - or interesting - or "cool?" But colored contacts do not look good on anyone. Unless you wear them to look like an anime character and that's what gets your man hot... then "cool." But don't wear them in public. You're frightening small children.

Are we talking about a particular person here?
omg it does seem like that doesnt it... NO! lol.. im not talking about anyone specifically!