Sunday, April 11, 2010

Hope for Disaster

Dear President Obama,

You're like a pretty smart guy. You're well spoken and you've risen above historical impossibilities. I voted for you.

ok, so all the nice things out of the way now right?

I did NOT vote for Offshore drilling.

You said "To sustain economic growth we're going to need to harness traditional sources of fuel even as we ramp up production of new sources of renewable energy."

How about you take the X,000,000$ million dollars being spent on disrupting our clearly unstable earth (earth quakes much?)
and put ALL that money into renewable energy creating VAST jobs ON American soil? Hm? THAT might "ramp up" production.
if we put that kind of money into these programs ... jobs will be created and energy will be mass produced in a way that is less harmful to our fragile environment/ecosystem.

That was the hope that I voted for... and if this is the path you're taking I don't see much "change" from the previous administration.

I don't think you're being guided by Biden like Bush was by Cheney, but I've been wrong before... I thought the whole Tiger Woods thing would blow over. Whoops.

In conclusion, I am impressed with the way you handle the majority of the shit that Bushy boy left behind for you... however this is your first DOUCHE stamp from me... I hope it bites you in the ass.

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