so why is this post title about Jesus?
ah this is all so great.
"Super-Sizing the Last Supper"
"The modern struggle with portion control may not be simply a "modern" thing. A Study of 52 different artist depictions of The Last Supper (from all different times) indicates that serving sizes have been marching heavenward for 1,000 years."
Using computer technology, researchers analyzed and compared the actual food on the table- in front of Jebus - in 52 different paintings of The Last Supper between the years 1000 & 2000. (Including da Vinci, Rubens, El Greco)
and Get THIS:
"Relative to the size of the disciples' heads, the loaves of bread grew 23% over the millennium; the main meal grew by 69% and the plates themselves grew 66%."
I could be wrong but doesn't that book...the one that says this even happened to begin with... um... Bible? yea that's it...
ah hem...
Doesn't the bible say they had only BREAD and WINE????
Google search some last supper photos/paintings... fish... fruit... lamb...
bread and wine only amigo.
I could make this post about the health and diet parallels - like The Week did... but... I'm more interested in other things.
... maybe in 2050; Some distant relative of Salvador Dali will paint The Last Supper with a Super Sized Coke and a Big Mac. Now THAT'S advertising...
who's got the number for McDonald's Corporate division? I'm gonna make a fortune.
(a fortune off of Jesus, just like the church. Yay...blasphemy)