After living in NYC and Los Angeles, when I go back to NJ I see these people more clearly than I ever remember. I see them struggle with who they are and I wonder...
When was it decided that Civil Rights was only HeteroSexual rights?
I don't want to sit here and preach about why your Lady Gaga loving little brother or your Ani DiFranco blasting sister should be given their full and equal rights...
Though it would seem to me - if we legalized Gay Marriage across the nation the amount of money throw into Venues, Ceremonies, Wedding Planners, Music, Flowers, Catering, Hotels, Travel, Receptions, Jewelry, Gift Registry and Honeymoons would certainly assist in boosting the "terrible economy."
Hmm... It would also seem to me if we Legalized Marijuana and -of course- taxed it - nation wide, that would bring in a lot of money to our government... because rumor has it we've got quite a bit of debt, yea?
...where was I going with this? Oh right...
Dear President Obama,
Apparently you're a Nobel Peace Prize Nominee. Cool. Congrats. So, by the way. I have single handedly come up with a few fantastic ideas on how to fix the American Economy. So shoot me a reply @ Nonsense Hurrican @ Google Blogger. Let's set up a meeting. I'll go to D.C. I wouldn't mind. Hell i'll even march in the Gay Rights march tomorrow while I'm there. I'll save a spot next to me for you. I'm sure you'd march with me. I mean after all it took the black community how long? to get their equality? So I am SURE you'd understand how important it is for people of all human sexual prefferences to have their rights of equality.
Not-so-nonsense Hurricane
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