Monday, November 8, 2010

Movies (IMO) Everyone should see

A list of movies that In My Opinion... EVERYONE Should See.

Amelie - 2001(France)
foreign romance/comedy R

American Beauty - 1999
american black comedy R

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - 2004
american rom/com fantasy R

In Bruges - 2008
crime thriller R

The Shining -1980
classic psychological thriller R

Everyone Else - 2009
foreign drama NR

Chinatown - 1942
film noir classic drama R

L.A. Confidential - 1997
crime drama mystery R

Pans Labyrinth - 2006(Spain)
foreign drama fantasy R

Monster - 2003
drama based on real life R

Annie Hall - 1997
romantic comedy PG

Let The Right One In - 2008(Sweden)
foreign romance horror R

RULE: all foreign films MUST be watched in their intended language with english subtitles.
otherwise the film loses it's sense of truth.