I am always ...impressed?
thats not the right word but i'll go with it.
I am always impressed with the way our government and people who work for the government prioritize "Threats"
Lucky for us (americans)
it was a good week for "The First Amendment after the FBI sent a letter to Wikipedia.com demanding that the site take down an image of the FBI seal from its article on the bureau. Wikipedia refused, "with all appropriate respect.""
They DEMAND? They Demanded an IMAGE on the FBI seal be removed...
I remember learning in middle school about a time when the government DEMANDED that we create a BILL OF RIGHTS with the 1st thing in that Bill being something called the First Amendment... (not the 2nd...the FIRST) You remember? the one that prohibits impeding the free exercise of religion? the one that prohibits infringing on the rights to have freedom of the press? and that one... oh what was that other one... Freedom Of Speech?!
Damn right Wikipedia. You go girl.